Surface Diffuser Cleaning System
Efficient and Cost-Effective Surface Diffuser Cleaning Rental System
Surface diffuser cleaning is essential because sedimentation of mineral/biological scale on membrane surfaces increases head pressure, affecting all membrane diffuser systems.
Ignoring this issue can lead to increased head pressure, causing damage to membrane diffusers, insufficient blower capacity to reach Dissolved Oxygen (DO) targets, or higher power demand due to longer aeration cycles—both of which harm plant performance and operation.
Membrane or fine bubble diffusers will lose efficiency over time. This problem can be rectified with the implementation of periodic specialised cleaning programs.
Fortunately, Hydroflux offers an effective and simple-to-use portable chemical Clean-In-Place (CIP) unit to clean all types of membrane diffusers. The unit fumigates a suitable cleaning acid into the air piping system, releasing scale buildup on the membrane surface.
Expert Service or DIY
Hydroflux can manage the entire cleaning process, through the provision of specialty labour and cleaning chemicals across ANZ however, for customers who prefer to use in-house labour, the system is provided as follows:

- 300 x 300 x 200 stainless steel cabinet, with handle for ease of mobility
- Suction line with weight
- 240 V AC standard AU power socket
- No other service connection required
High-quality Prominent dosing pump – capable of pumping up to 7.5 L/hr
- Dosing line with fumigating injection spray nozzle to suit 1/2” fitting pressure return line
- Filter unit with cartridge
- Isolation valves
- Complete instruction manuals